Dandelion Mist

Dandelion Mist
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Missionary

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Painter of Light; Painter of Truth!

   I have always admired anyone who could, in one short song or picture, depict a complete story. For example, in Thomas Kinkaid's exquisite paintings, he reveals the surreal light that softly glows throughout the scenery. The light literally appears to come from within a home, church, or streetlamp! If the light is from the sun or moon, it streams down as if coming forth from the very heavens. He has a true gift from the "Giver of Light", Himself.
   I especially love his painting called The Prayer Garden. Once upon a time, I found it on the internet for about One Thousand dollars....unfortunately I didn't purchase it.....I wanted to wait for a more convenient time! Foolish person! Now, that same painting can't even be found! I did talk to a lady in Savannah, Georgia last summer, and she said the shop owner 'may' sell his...the price-over five thousand. I gulped a few times and made my excuses so I could leave the shop gracefully!
When we find a priceless pearl, we'd better buy it then-the opportunity may never come again!
   Amazing Grace has always been one of my favorite songs. It told how truly Amazing the Grace of God is, then along came the lost version; Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone. Now, in just a few more words the song tells a story of how we were chained in darkness, lost, and on our way to an eternity in hell.; but with God's Amazing Grace, we are set free! Our eternity is no longer destined for hell, but for an Eternity with God Almighty! Through the willingly shed blood of Jesus Christ: The Lamb Redeemer, The Perfect Spotless Sacrifice ( Not as offered as a sacrifice as the Pagan's, BUT as a Willing Sacrifice!), The Word Made Flesh, The Way, The Truth, and The Life, The Light of the World, The Prince of Peace, Counselor, Mighty God....did you hear that; The MIGHTY GOD!
    The Gospel of John reveals so clearly WHO Jesus Christ REALLY is! The Word was with God and the Word was God, and the Word BECAME FLESH and Dwelt AMONG us! How much clearer can a story be told!?
   I listen to those who THINK that Jesus Christ was a mere man, a good teacher, a prophet, and I wonder "Did you EVER read the Bible concerning this Man?" HE was the Word made Flesh...God Himself INCARNATE, and He GAVE His Life for us....Amazing Grace!
Amazing Grace! My Chains Are Gone!
   Victory Prayer: "Father God, Savior of the world, Abba Father, we love You, Lord! Show us our hearts, reveal to us any sin we harbor there, that we may come before You with repentance, and turn from darkness to LIGHT and have the chains of sin and darkness removed! If there is ANY wicked way in us, show us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Eternity with You is far greater than any of the world's fading riches. You are far above rubies and gold. Your love is everlasting and Your Kingdom endures forever. Forgive us our sin and lead us Into Your Light! May we walk in Your Light! Teach us to love YOU above all else! Teach us to love our neighbor as ourselves! Teach us to forgive others AS YOU forgave US! Thank You for every blessing, every trial, and for for loving us while we were yet sinners! I pray this in the precious Name of Jesus Christ! Amen.

Your Faithful Daughter, and Joint Heir With Christ!
Lily Sue


1 comment:

  1. Sue:
    Have tried to enter a comment on the blog.
    I keep getting a request for a profile,but when I choose one it throws up more stuff,that I know nothing about. Must they make these things so complicated ! ? !
    Just wanted you to know I read it.... and I really LOVED the Irish Hymn. Be Thou My Vision (That is what I had first made a comment on) It has always been one of my MOST favorites ! Who sings this and how can I get a copy ? All your blogs are thought provoking and very Spirit filled sweet sister !
    Posted by Sue FOR Linda
