Dandelion Mist

Dandelion Mist
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Missionary

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Song of Songs-How Poetic!

 Song of Songs 2:11-13                       

See! The Winter is Past!

the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling;
my beautiful one, come with me.”

I LOVE the Beautiful Poetry of this Sripture.

I've written a book that I've called "Season of Singing" You may find it on Amazon by typing in the title or, my name-Sue C. Weaver
Enjoy! And May You Always Walk By Faith and Not By Sight!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Moved To Fairhope, Alabama-Part I

The past few months have been like an endless treadmill with a steep grade! Although we had some very exciting changes, there have also been even more challenges.

It all began in May. We had wanted to make a trip to Israel for as many years as we are old......well, close anyway.

On May 10th we left by car for Chicago to leave for our flight to Tel Aviv, Israel-by way of Warsaw. In Warsaw-how happy we were to see Poland again-we had a 10 hour layover at the airport. We ate and walked-then walked and ate.
Finally, it was time to board the flight to Israel! My heart did that crazy pitter-patter that it does when I'm travelling (that's my 'gypsy' blood-my dad used to say).

We landed in beautiful sunny, warm, and very different Tel Aviv....what an amazing feeling to be in the very country where Jesus was born and walked the earth. My first inkling that the car rental agent was mocking was when he said, "We're all supposed to be holy here, you know. We're the holy land people."

I probably had an opportunity right then and there to begin my first real conversation with a non-believing Jew, but 30 hours with very little sleep and it was 0600-I wasn't quite up to par, to say the least....so I just smiled and 'pretended' ignorance. It comes off quite well for us Americans in a foreign country, you know.

I did actually take my first ever picture of Israel at the Tel Aviv airport. The guy nodded that it was okay when I asked for permission....in America you can't take pictures in an airport anymore.....security, you know.

We got into the little compact car, the guy set the GPS (wrongly-I might add-but that's an entire new story!).
We set out for Jerusalem! The city of God!

Weeeelll- we got lost because the GPS settings had been put in with the wrong address. We found ourselves on the tiniest street-I call it a street loosely-where trucks, vans, and even compact cars should never be. They all stared at us as if we were going the wrong way or something! Nope. We were just a couple of very lost tourists-the moment we arrived in the city of God. We were in the Muslim section-which is where we were supposed to be, but not exactly HERE! After turning around at least three times on the tiny 'street' we finally found a small place to pull over and re-check the address the rental agent fed into the GPS. I immediately found the error-funny how one or two little letters can change everything, isn't it?

We finally found the National Hotel, and I was near tears with joy. The hostess, Nirvana, (yes she is Muslim) was such a precious, sweet, amazing hostess. She made our stay in Jerusalem a real treat. She had water and fresh fruit sent to our room, made hand-written maps for us, all the sites where Jesus walked and went. She made a special effort-as I'm sure she does with everyone she meets-to make us welcome and comfortable and feel safe.

The food was excellent. I can't say enough good things about this hotel and its staff.

The first day we walked and walked, saw the Via Dolorosa, Herod's Gate, all the different quarters of the Old City....this was all on a let's- see- everything- we- can- the- very- first- day-even- though- we- haven't- slept- in- four- days- attitude. We returned to the hotel exhausted....by one in the afternoon and said, "Let's rest before we go back out," and we literally crashed until 5:00 the next morning!!!

Now the real tour can begin! It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life and if you know me-and you've ever read any of my blogs, then you know we have traveled to over 19 countries...so saying this means it really is a very special country. The land is beautiful-and honestly it looks just like Florida but with hills and valleys and low humidity. The citrus and flowers are like home to us. What was so amazing was the history of the place. The tombs, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Old City and its charm and winding streets, the food with fragrances that made you want to eat although you'd just eaten and were filled, were all a part of it.

I loved seeing the Old City from Gethsemane, tourists walking down The Mount of Olives, waving palm branches and praying. People from Africa, India, China, America, Canada, Mexico, and every country on earth had representation in Jerusalem-for their faith and belief in Jesus as the Messiah. 

We drove to the Dead Sea, took the cable car up Masada-walking back down took about an hour in sweltering desert heat-but looking at the ancient ruins, visualizing King Herod's 'get-away' palace on top of Masada, I could see his armies and his royal caravan carrying him up the side of the narrow trail.
I could see in my mind, the terrible slaughter-supposedly by suicide-there on the plateau. But looking out toward the Dead Sea and all it's shimmering beauty-I could see Huldah and Sarah-my characters in "Escape To Shallum's Cave."

I could see the 'reality' of the cave they lived in by looking deeply into those at Masada. These were not holes in the wall-they were small palaces of the day-equipped with water, toilet facilities, storage areas for food, and most of all-the ability to see for miles around for protection.

We toured the Upper and Lower Jordan River....how beautiful the Upper Jordan! (They both are-but upper is far more so).
If you would like to see the photo album of some of the pictures we took-please look me up on Facebook......Sue C. Weaver

If you would like to read my books, please go to Amazon and look for books by Sue C. Weaver

1) Escape To Shallum's Cave
2) Rhoda's Lost Journal
3) An Innocent Kiss for Caitlin
4) Building Excellent Character, Step-By-Step

I'll try to tell more of my story soon! Please stay tuned!!!
God loves you!
Sue C. Weaver
AKA-Lily Sue

"Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19

One of my favorite Poetic scriptures from Song of Solomon:

The most beautiful and poetic of all scripture:
 Song of Songs 2:11-13

See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling;
my beautiful one, come with me.”

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Visit Me On Twitter and Pintrest

Visit Sue's profile on Pinterest.

Twitter @SCWeaver13




Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rhoda's Lost Journal and Interview with Sue C. Weaver; Author

Sue C. Weaver

Rhoda’s Lost Journal by Sue C. Weaver

Sara Holt dreamed of walking through the ancient ruins of Rome. As she made plans to visit each site on her long itinerary with a tour group, she becomes enchanted by Ari Hershey, a business man from Jerusalem, who invites himself along.
During one of her site tours, Sara stumbles upon an ancient leather bound journal. Tucking the book quickly into her bag, thinking only to look at it and return it to the authorities later, she has no idea she’s being watched.
Later that evening she receives a strange phone call from her stalker. He knows who she is, where she is and what she has done. Sara has no choice but to trust Ari with this threatening call. Could he have been the caller? If not Ari, then who could it be? She knew no one in Rome.
Ari rushed to Sara’s room and she told him all about the journal. Ari is able to begin the translation of the book. He and Sara become engrossed in the compelling drama of Rhoda, the servant girl from the Book of The Acts of the Apostles, during the time of Peter and Paul.
Targeted Age Group:: 15-65+
How is Writing In Your Genre Different from Others?
I prefer writing Christian Fiction…..maybe it’s not so different in genre, but I believe we all have stories to tell. We are created in the image of God and He has the greatest imagination of all…..I believe that my imagination reflects the infinite creativity of my creator…..although I don’t write everything I can imagine, or I’m sure I would be considered quite insane!
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
Just never give up. I am not a well-known author and possibly may never be, but I write for enjoyment and hope my books can bring hours of pleasure and enjoyment to others. I have read a ‘gazillion’ books in my lifetime and have enjoyed reading as much as writing. I would suggest that anyone who wants to write should try to start young and keep on with it….my motto; “Just Do it!”
Author Bio:
I am a longtime writer who has only published short stories and for a small newspaper, poetry, and many stories that sit in the deep recesses of my junk boxes. Until recently publishing e-books, I have not published hard copies as of yet. I am a registered Nurse, Foreign Missionary, world traveler (20 countries and more cities within those countries than I can count). I have a daughter, son, and three grandsons. My husband, Allan, and I live in Michigan since returning from Poland in 2009.
Writing is my favorite past-time…..along with jogging and doing research on any subject that strikes my fancy, but mostly medical and writing.
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I have always loved writing and research. I am a Registered Nurse and Foreign Missionary. Since I was a very young girl, I have imagined every event to be a book! I am continually writing book titles and stories, poetry, and articles, in my mind…..these scenarios just won’t leave me alone!!!

Interview with Author – Sue C. Weaver

Author Bio:
I have loved to write ever since I could walk and talk. I had three specific dreams as a child; To be a Nurse, A Missionary, and A Writer. (In addition to wife and mother). By the grace of God and perseverance, all these dreams have come true. I love to travel and have been blessed to travel the globe extensively through missions work.
My writing consists primarily of Christian Fiction, Poetry, Non-Fiction, and for a period of perhaps five years as a contributor for a newspaper in Sheridan, Wyoming, called The Country Journal.
What inspires you to write?
I am so in love with the Bible, Nursing, Missions, and Family, that I find that, to me, everything is a potential story. God created us in His image and I believe that creativity is deeply ingrained in us. He is the Master creator and with an infinite imagination….I believe we inherited that imagination from Him!
My daughter has labeled me “An Information Junkie” and I truly love that identification with my love for researching anything and everything!
Tell us about your writing process.
Usually I just begin imagining a story as I go about my daily activities. The story begins to take form and I sit down at the computer and start writing. I normally save my research sites, and as I think of my story-line, I stop to take notes and do more research. I try to ‘tuck it away’ in my memory if I’m not at home or otherwise busy. I often find myself waking in the wee hours of the morning with ideas. (I once wrote an entire poem and got out of bed to write it all down…several stanzas!).
I try to research details carefully and check them with Biblical facts and work them into the story for a blend of fact and fiction. I do my best thinking very early….about four or five in the morning and work until about eight in the morning. I sometimes do an outline, but primarily, I am what most refer to as ‘seat of my pants’ because it all just comes to me as I type. The last time I tried a character sketch…it was forgotten in the zeal of typing!
For Fiction Writers: Do you listen (or talk to) to your characters?
I seem to be ‘one’ with my characters. I love the characters of ” Rhoda’s Lost Journal” and three other books I have recently written. I found myself thinking about Huldah (From another book I’ve written) during church. When I heard the names of King Josiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, etc., Huldah, my protagonist, would instantly come to mind.
Hopefully, I am instilling personalities that are unique to each of my characters.
What advice would you give other writers?
I would suggest that you continue to develop your characters, story-lines, and research in the way that you feel works best for you. Too often we try to emulate someone else. In my opinion we end of with what I call ‘dime novels’ that were so popular years ago.
Be yourself and allow your characters to be themselves. Don’t try to fit into anyone’s mold of what they say an author should be or do.
How did you decide how to publish your books?
I have wanted to write and publish for years, but I decided that, at my age (I won’t tell you that just now), I found that writing and publishing e-books works for me. The most difficult thing is promoting the books. There can be no book signings, etc. However, I am not publishing nor writing for a living, as many do. I write because I love it and hope that whomever reads my books will love them too. It’s a lot of long hours, yet this is what I choose to do with my time.
What do you think about the future of book publishing?
I honestly had a very difficult time even thinking about letting go of my hand held hard copies! However, when I published my first e-book, I got a Kindle right away and it was actually fun! Technology today is so advanced and so much less expensive to produce books, that I can see the future of publishing going so completely in that direction, and just think of the trees we will save!
On the other hand, for this very reason, books will literally flood the market to the point that it’ll be extremely difficult to sell books. Progress always has two sides of its story!
What genres do you write?
Christian Fiction, Christian Non-Fiction, Poetry
What formats are your books in?
Your Social Media Links

Rhoda’s Lost Journal by Sue C. Weaver

Sara Holt dreamed of walking through the ancient ruins of Rome. As she made plans to visit each site on her long itinerary with a tour group, she becomes enchanted by Ari Hershey, a business man from Jerusalem, who invites himself along.
During one of her site tours, Sara stumbles upon an ancient leather bound journal. Tucking the book quickly into her bag, thinking only to look at it and return it to the authorities later, she has no idea she’s being watched.
Later that evening she receives a strange phone call from her stalker. He knows who she is, where she is and what she has done. Sara has no choice but to trust Ari with this threatening call. Could he have been the caller? If not Ari, then who could it be? She knew no one in Rome.
Ari rushed to Sara’s room and she told him all about the journal. Ari is able to begin the translation of the book. He and Sara become engrossed in the compelling drama of Rhoda, the servant girl from the Book of The Acts of the Apostles, during the time of Peter and Paul.
Targeted Age Group:: 15-65+
How is Writing In Your Genre Different from Others?
I prefer writing Christian Fiction…..maybe it’s not so different in genre, but I believe we all have stories to tell. We are created in the image of God and He has the greatest imagination of all…..I believe that my imagination reflects the infinite creativity of my creator…..although I don’t write everything I can imagine, or I’m sure I would be considered quite insane!
What Advice Would You Give Aspiring Writers?
Just never give up. I am not a well-known author and possibly may never be, but I write for enjoyment and hope my books can bring hours of pleasure and enjoyment to others. I have read a ‘gazillion’ books in my lifetime and have enjoyed reading as much as writing. I would suggest that anyone who wants to write should try to start young and keep on with it….my motto; “Just Do it!”
Author Bio:
I am a longtime writer who has only published short stories and for a small newspaper, poetry, and many stories that sit in the deep recesses of my junk boxes. Until recently publishing e-books, I have not published hard copies as of yet. I am a registered Nurse, Foreign Missionary, world traveler (20 countries and more cities within those countries than I can count). I have a daughter, son, and three grandsons. My husband, Allan, and I live in Michigan since returning from Poland in 2009.
Writing is my favorite past-time…..along with jogging and doing research on any subject that strikes my fancy, but mostly medical and writing.
What Inspired You to Write Your Book?
I have always loved writing and research. I am a Registered Nurse and Foreign Missionary. Since I was a very young girl, I have imagined every event to be a book! I am continually writing book titles and stories, poetry, and articles, in my mind…..these scenarios just won’t leave me alone!!!