Dandelion Mist

Dandelion Mist
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Missionary

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cain For President: View on Abortion

Exchange between Sue and Linda:
Note the comments I have made below. (in red, next to yours)

It is always good to hear your point of view and I value it Sue.

You will see I have sent another commentary,where he clarifies his stand.

It is good and puts me a ease now.

My husband and I both support him for president.We to have liked him from the start,

Let's keep praying for him !Hugs, Linda

Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 9:12 AM

Subject: Re: Herman Cain Clouds His Abortion Views


I read the entire letter and I have a bit of a different perspective and I'll try to explain:

I AM, of course, pro-life in all cases...As am I

I believe that he is saying, although he spoke the way he did, it IS ultimately the mother's decision to make just as God gave us all free will in our choices in life- Very true !

IF one chooses to sin (and abortion IS a sin!!!) they will stand before God for that great sin of murdering their child.

I understand what he is saying as exactly that-the right to choose EVEN if that choice is WRONG belongs to the people, NOT the government, any doctor, or any other person.....but the woman and God.AMEN !

Unfortunately every time we choose to sin we not only break the heart of God, we hurt someone near to our own heart, as well as damage our own spirit and our walk with God! Although we may repent later-the consequences live on!

In the case of abortion, we have CHOSEN to take another life and deny them the right to life.

That is, to me, an absolute insult to God and the unborn child.

As a friend, Registered Nurse, or in any kind of counseling position, I would counsel to NOT abort a living being-but ultimately that decision is up to the mother-not me, not the government, not the taxpayers to pay for her wrong and bad choice-she will stand before a just God.

As for it being a social decision-ALL moral decisions affect society, and ALL societal decisions affect our morality. Good point and I have to agree !

Let me know what you think, ok?

I have been for Cain from the very beginning-the first time I heard him speak and I was against Obama ( not the person, but his way of seeing/doing things) back in Poland when I first saw a picture of him in Germany apologizing FOR America; that she was arrogant, and even many times disrespectful, and he stood at the podium with the The Great Seal of the President of the United States of America on the front-and he was ONLY a contender then!!!! Not even in office-I knew right then the depths of his self-importance and narcissism!

I have a very good feeling about Cain and I think he only meant the best of intentions. Me Too !

I pray that he wins, and maybe he can even get rid of or COMPLETELY CHANGE the system of Planned Parenthood so that they will tell young mothers the TRUTH about abortion instead of encouraging these young girls to have one! (My prayer!!!) again..AMEN !

Thanks for listening to my point of view.

Blessings and Hugs

P.S. I also think he was focused on LIMITED government roles and people's choices being between them and God, because he does think like a minister......just as we think like Christians, all that we do is between us and God-and we try not to do harm to anyone out of that love and respect for one another. I feel POSITIVE that if, as a minister, he was counseling a girl-he would advise AGAINST abortion. I agree !
One more point I'll add to the mix; I know for a fact that in nursing school we were taught that whatever one decides is not our concern and that Planned Parenthood was a 'good organization' I have since learned the TRUTH....they are NOT a good organization when it comes to advising women about abortion-in fact, they mislead and mis-advise to outright lying to the patient-I would NEVER work for them! The depression and suicidal thoughts of a young mother who aborts her un-born baby, having been told it's just a 'blob or mass of cells'
and later realizes what she has done, is unbelievable and she most likely will never truly forgive herself...it takes years to overcome that-and then only through the love and forgiving mercy of God, through Jesus Christ!
Lord God,
It is my prayer that young women will seek to remain abstinent and pure until they are united in Holy Matrimony. That rape and incest victims will at least consider adoption and not abortion! Lord, help our women to realize that abortion is NOT an acceptable method of 'contraception'!!
God, turn our nation back to yourself. Heal our land and our hearts! Lord teach us to discern when voting for leaders, those who are willing to allow You to lead them in decisions. Help us to persevere in doing right!
We have strayed far from you, Lord, and we repent of that!
Forgive us, teach us, help us to learn, as a nation, from our huge past mistakes! Thank You, Father, in Jesus name, I pray.
Your Loving Daughter,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Today's Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31

The Woman of Proverbs; As Seen in Modern Society

As followers of Jesus Christ, We are the ‘Virtuous Woman’ of Proverbs. We tend to read Proverbs 31 and think to ourselves, “oh, how I wish I could be like that-the woman God intended me to be!”

We also forget that we are that woman of God. We often think we are not living it out, but most likely we are doing what God has planned. If we are a wife, mother, grandmother, mother-in-law, and friend, and if we are one of His, we need to pray for and encourage one another.

Women have a tough role to play out. We are stretched to the limit daily and often into the night.

Day after day and night after night, we are like the ‘energizer bunny’ who won’t quit-not even after we’re half run to death. We lie awake at night and pray. We laugh when we need to cry. We cry when we should be laughing.

We’re a very strange lot, to be sure. We usually doubt that our price is far above rubies, yet it is!

Our husbands and children can trust in us, because we have built our lives around them. After all, God placed them in our loving care-did He not?

We are always available because we love. Our service to our family, children, friends, church, school functions, home duties (which you all know how involved that is!), and even work outside the home, is a result of that deep love.

We are committed because of that great unfailing love. We are love-bound to stand beside a child who needs us. There would never be the slightest consideration to do otherwise.

We rise before the hint of dawn to pray because God has awakened us to the discerning, yet undefined feeling that someone in particular needs our intercessory prayer.

We hold our tongue to halt dissension,  although we know in all truth that we are in the right-yet we prefer others over ourselves as Jesus said we should.

We kneel before God night and day asking our heavenly Father to bring a lost loved one into the fold and to open the eyes of the blind and hearts of the foolish be softened.

We are in a constant mode of “pray without ceasing” because there are so many in need and in trouble, lost, and afraid.

When a child goes astray and is rebellious-we never give up, but show the love of Jesus and help them be secure in that we love them with an undying love, an unconditional love, and a mother’s love. We seek that lost one as the Good Shepherd leaves the 99 to find His precious little one that is lost and afraid, headed down the wrong path to destruction.

We welcome home tired husbands and children, even though we’ve run ourselves ‘ragged’ all day to care for our children, clean house, shop for groceries, pay bills, make appointments, balance checking accounts, keep up with friends, work in church, women’s groups, community , Sunday School preparations, and countless tasks, and often this while holding down a full time job as well.

We feel that we are not the ‘perfect or virtuous woman’ if we fail or omit any one of our multiple tasks each day.

Yet we make time to be alone with God- He is our strength and our comfort, our very bread and water!

We help with homework every night and run around all week-end. We are the “Hub” of the home, the center; we are the one who holds a family together while our husbands are the protective ‘walls’ we are foundational in strength, many times assuming his role-although we should not!

We make every effort to protect those we love, and rarely ask for help; we’ve somehow convinced ourselves that it is a weakness to do so. We make time for others but not always for ourselves.

Our work is never done, still we fall into bed at night having been the last to retire to make sure all is safe, the house is clean, the coffee is made for morning, the children are tucked in, the doors are locked, then we lie awake talking to God, and we may finally feel we just ‘might deserve’ to sleep…..with an ear partially alert, an eye at the ready, the mind listening for that middle of the night call….from a loved one, a ringing telephone, or perhaps God calling you to prayer again.

Our candle truly does not go out at night and in Christ we are  "The Virtuous woman!"

Power in Jesus-greater things will be done through us because all Power is given unto Him!

Righteous through Christ alone….we are righteous through our faith in Him!

Ordinary- we have these treasures in jars of clay; the ordinary made extraordinary in Him!

Victorious through our High Priest, that is in Christ Jesus our Mediator!

Elect children through the precious blood of God’s Son, Jesus Christ!

Royal daughters of the King- of - Kings and The Most High God, we are heirs with Christ!

Blessed because in Him we live and breathe and have our being!

Saints and fellow citizens of the household of God, we are His precious jewels that will make up His Royal crown!

P.S. This was inspired and encouraged by my friend and sister in Christ, Linda.
Thank you Linda, for your prayers and daily encouragement! I would also like to dedicate it to Lora, my beloved and most precious daughter, as well as to all Women of God.
You are a true 'Woman of Proverbs!'

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Prayer Journey for America and the Lost World

On or about February 7, 2006, I was awakened at 0200. I was lying in my bed in a very small bedroom in an apartment for visiting "M"s in the lovely, bustling city of Hong Kong.

The room was completely quiet. Darkness would have altogether pervaded the room, but for the dim porch lights that had been left on in the apartment 'across the way'

I could see soft low lights in the window. I was more wide awake than I'd ever been in my life for having just abruptly awakened from a very sound sleep.

I felt the most powerful presence, I felt a warmth cover my body like a warm comforter.

I 'felt' rather than 'heard' God speaking to me. "I want you to make a Prayer Journey around the borders of America."

"But Lord, I am so tired and I just got out of the hospital. I want to be with my family for just awhile. Is this really You, Lord? The economy is bad, and I don't have the means to do this. But I will do anything you ask of me...anything and at anytime."

God's Words were clear. My response is more misty as I try to recall. I'll never forget His Words though.

Now, these five years later.....they are still as clear as day. I have put other priorities in what I thought were their perspective. Was I wrong? Is He still calling me to do this?

The economy is a thousand times worse now. The borders are unsafe. Illegal immigration is a huge problem. A lawsuit was filed against one of our own for upholding the states laws. Now another state is in court due to upholding illegal immigration laws.

The problems in our country have escalated to unbelievable heights. There seems to be anger, rage, racism, hatred, violence, poverty, mistrust throughout the entire country, God is being thrown out of everything, Christians are being more persecuted than ever, churches are being divided, wars are scattered over the globe, terrorism and/or threats have become daily news, companies are being bailed out and the money invested has 'disappeared'

America simply must get on her knees and pray and repent. Bring God back into our schools, churches, business meetings, Wall Street, the military, the home.......bring Him back into our hearts and let us raise our children to know Him, from kindergarten on in our public schools!

Men take over your families and BE the spiritual leaders of home, wife, and children, and govern yourselves the way God intended you to do. Love you wife as Jesus said to do.

Women respectfully follow your husband's spiritual guidance as God planned. Let your sons and daughters see a family picture of what God wants the family to look like! Anything UNLIKE God, throw it out.

When there is no spiritual leadership in the home FIRST-there will be no spiritual leadership in the government...."the hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world" can be viewd as:

You are raising up our future churches, schools, and governments....what do you want it to look like?
Like it does now....God forbid!!

"If MY people, who are called by MY name"........
If my people, who are called by MY name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
II Chronicles 7:14

I may never be able to go on this Prayer Journey.....but I will never stop being willing.
For now, my Prayer Garden is my Journey of Prayer for the lost! America, Canada, Mexico, for a lost world, for our beloved China, Poland, Thailand, Taiwan, all of Europe, Ireland, Ecuador, Ukraine, and Isreal.....the one beloved place I've not made it to yet......Lord willing, someday.....In Jerusalem!
There are many places that I have seen and many I have not seen, but I have Prayer-Walked a million miles across the globe, with my husband...and wherever our feet have touched we have claimed Joshua 1:3 for the LORD.
I promise you what I promised Moses: 'Wherever you set your foot, you will be on land I have given you.

Lord God,
Everywhere I set my foot, I pray that I will be a light; a witness for Jesus Christ,
whether in my home country or any of those precious lands You have given to us to proclaim Your Word-Jesus
I pray in His name because at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ IS Lord!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

God's Love Letter To You and Me

I recently read a wonderful and profound comment about the Bible.
I've always loved searching and cross-referencing God's Word......living.....dynamic....
Faithful.....insightful.....revelation.....and truth.

The Bible is God's love letter to His beloved children.
We open our Bible's and we see the names written above each book:
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John-
The letters from Paul to the churches,
and from Peter, and son on-
yet, in truth all these wonderful, inspiring, comforting, guiding, teaching, letters and poetry books filled with
love, romance, wars, murders, and every sort of story one can imagine are-
all straight from the heart and mind of God Himself-
to you and me......love letters to teach us about God's great love,
mercy, grace, forgiveness, saving power-
everything we need in this life-
whatever we need to see us through
trials, temptations, death, loneliness, sorrow-
pain, heartache, divorce, marriage, worry, fear-
God has shown us in His Word
just what He requires-
just what He wills for us-
He left NOTHING to chance or to guess about!
Find it all in His Word-
His love letter to you-

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Yellow silk. Soft. Shimmery.
Twirling under my chin
"to see if you like boys!"
Chin covered in yellow pollen-
Reflections of sunlight

Touching the yellow silky
soft thin layers of pure beauty
How elegant, how lovely-
How bountiful
The lowly Dandelion!    



Rain pelted the rusty old tin roof
crystal rivers flowed down the cliffs
and formed a torrential downpour
that cascaded into a rapid stream
alongside the winding road-

twisting and turning winding its
way down-searching for the foot
of the hills from which it came,
 seeking the end of its journey-
looking for a place to rest.

Lord, thank you for the rain!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Help Comes From The Lord

                                                             Psalm 121

I lift up my eyes to the hills–where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip–HE who watches over you will not slumber;

Indeed, HE who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you–the LORD is your shade at your right hand;

The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm–HE will watch over your life;

The LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore
In times of fear......In times of sorrow......In times of worry.......In times that I feel faint and weary-
In times like today......Lord, my HELP must come from you!
Lord, I pray for YOUR strength today.......how can I go through this again?
I not only look to the hills for You, I look to the skies for Your return!
Sometimes when I fear for my loved ones.....only You know how

 deeply I hurt.....only You know my pain and sorrow......only You

know the outcome.....I look to You today, Lord.....how I need your peace right now!
Lord, You only- know what I'm talking about right now....You and

 You alone can give me that kind of peace.
As tears slide down my face and I'm trying to not cry.....I KNOW

that You are keeping Your hand on the one for whom I am praying.
Thank You, Lord Jesus for Your protection, mercy, grace, and for

Your loving kindness.....
I pray blessings on this child of Yours!