Dandelion Mist

Dandelion Mist
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Missionary

Thursday, October 13, 2011

God's Love Letter To You and Me

I recently read a wonderful and profound comment about the Bible.
I've always loved searching and cross-referencing God's Word......living.....dynamic....
Faithful.....insightful.....revelation.....and truth.

The Bible is God's love letter to His beloved children.
We open our Bible's and we see the names written above each book:
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John-
The letters from Paul to the churches,
and from Peter, and son on-
yet, in truth all these wonderful, inspiring, comforting, guiding, teaching, letters and poetry books filled with
love, romance, wars, murders, and every sort of story one can imagine are-
all straight from the heart and mind of God Himself-
to you and me......love letters to teach us about God's great love,
mercy, grace, forgiveness, saving power-
everything we need in this life-
whatever we need to see us through
trials, temptations, death, loneliness, sorrow-
pain, heartache, divorce, marriage, worry, fear-
God has shown us in His Word
just what He requires-
just what He wills for us-
He left NOTHING to chance or to guess about!
Find it all in His Word-
His love letter to you-

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