Dandelion Mist

Dandelion Mist
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Missionary

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Prayer Journey for America and the Lost World

On or about February 7, 2006, I was awakened at 0200. I was lying in my bed in a very small bedroom in an apartment for visiting "M"s in the lovely, bustling city of Hong Kong.

The room was completely quiet. Darkness would have altogether pervaded the room, but for the dim porch lights that had been left on in the apartment 'across the way'

I could see soft low lights in the window. I was more wide awake than I'd ever been in my life for having just abruptly awakened from a very sound sleep.

I felt the most powerful presence, I felt a warmth cover my body like a warm comforter.

I 'felt' rather than 'heard' God speaking to me. "I want you to make a Prayer Journey around the borders of America."

"But Lord, I am so tired and I just got out of the hospital. I want to be with my family for just awhile. Is this really You, Lord? The economy is bad, and I don't have the means to do this. But I will do anything you ask of me...anything and at anytime."

God's Words were clear. My response is more misty as I try to recall. I'll never forget His Words though.

Now, these five years later.....they are still as clear as day. I have put other priorities in what I thought were their perspective. Was I wrong? Is He still calling me to do this?

The economy is a thousand times worse now. The borders are unsafe. Illegal immigration is a huge problem. A lawsuit was filed against one of our own for upholding the states laws. Now another state is in court due to upholding illegal immigration laws.

The problems in our country have escalated to unbelievable heights. There seems to be anger, rage, racism, hatred, violence, poverty, mistrust throughout the entire country, God is being thrown out of everything, Christians are being more persecuted than ever, churches are being divided, wars are scattered over the globe, terrorism and/or threats have become daily news, companies are being bailed out and the money invested has 'disappeared'

America simply must get on her knees and pray and repent. Bring God back into our schools, churches, business meetings, Wall Street, the military, the home.......bring Him back into our hearts and let us raise our children to know Him, from kindergarten on in our public schools!

Men take over your families and BE the spiritual leaders of home, wife, and children, and govern yourselves the way God intended you to do. Love you wife as Jesus said to do.

Women respectfully follow your husband's spiritual guidance as God planned. Let your sons and daughters see a family picture of what God wants the family to look like! Anything UNLIKE God, throw it out.

When there is no spiritual leadership in the home FIRST-there will be no spiritual leadership in the government...."the hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world" can be viewd as:

You are raising up our future churches, schools, and governments....what do you want it to look like?
Like it does now....God forbid!!

"If MY people, who are called by MY name"........
If my people, who are called by MY name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
II Chronicles 7:14

I may never be able to go on this Prayer Journey.....but I will never stop being willing.
For now, my Prayer Garden is my Journey of Prayer for the lost! America, Canada, Mexico, for a lost world, for our beloved China, Poland, Thailand, Taiwan, all of Europe, Ireland, Ecuador, Ukraine, and Isreal.....the one beloved place I've not made it to yet......Lord willing, someday.....In Jerusalem!
There are many places that I have seen and many I have not seen, but I have Prayer-Walked a million miles across the globe, with my husband...and wherever our feet have touched we have claimed Joshua 1:3 for the LORD.
I promise you what I promised Moses: 'Wherever you set your foot, you will be on land I have given you.

Lord God,
Everywhere I set my foot, I pray that I will be a light; a witness for Jesus Christ,
whether in my home country or any of those precious lands You have given to us to proclaim Your Word-Jesus
I pray in His name because at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ IS Lord!

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