What is Love?
The "Love Chapter" of I Corinthians is chapter 13. Actually, the entire Bible is filled with God's love for us. Song of Solomon is said to represent the Love Christ has for the Church; His body of believers. I believe it to be true because His love for us is so great that He willingly died for us....for our redemption from sin that came to every person ever born, because of the fall of man through disobedience to God's very first instruction for Adam and Eve.
Yet, although they disobeyed God, He loved them and so He had a plan for our forgiveness and our redemption through Christ.
Love is not something you just toss aside and disrespect. Love is not something you should take lightly. Love is a free gift and should be treated with the UTMOST respect. Love can't be bought nor sold. Paul speaks of love in this way:
Love suffers long-that means it endures many trials, tests, and hardships and comes up stronger than ever before!
Love is kind- That means it speaks gently, even if firmly. It stands in another's shoes and feels their pain!
Love is not envious-That means it does not resent another person having or being something we wish we could have or be!
Love is not puffed up-That means it is not filled with false pride in self, nor glorifies oneself!
Love does not behave itself unseemly-That means love behaves in a respectful, loving manner to others, at all times!
Love seeks not her own-That means love is NOT selfish, but seeks the benefit of others first-preferring one another over ones self!
Love is not easily provoked-That means love is very patient, listening to another rather than thinking about what will be said next!
Love thinketh no evil-That means love thinks on the good of another, gives the benefit of the doubt-FIRST!
Love rejoices not in iniquity-That means love is not happy when another suffers for any reason!
Love rejoices in the truth-That means that love rejoices when another is saved, honest, love tells the TRUTH, love does not lie or tattle, talebear, or gossip!
Love bears all things-That means love is strong, it can stand strong in the face of trials and tests, listens patiently, prays for one another, supports and exhorts, encourages, and gives Christ-like support!
Love believs all things-That means that love believes in Loving God, Loving People, love believes Truth, love seeks truth, love believes in what is good, love bears one another's burdens, receives one another in love, faith, and truth in Christ Jesus!
Love hopes all things-That means love never gives up or quits! Hope is what we know to be true, we may see it but not now, but soon we know that our hope is a reality...so love never quits!
Love endures all things-That means that love will never die, it is like God's love for us-unconditional, enduring, never failing, always quick to forgive, never holding a grudge, returning good for evil, always abiding!
What is love?
God is LOVE......oh to be LIKE HIM.....that is LOVE!
Only through Jesus Christ can we ever be like HIM
Love the Lord thy God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself!
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