Dandelion Mist

Dandelion Mist
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Missionary

Friday, November 30, 2012

If One Is To Be Obsessed-Let it Be GOD Who Is Your Obsession!

You know what? I KNOW that I am Obsessed with God.  Actually I used to wonder if we can truly call it obsession and can one be TOO obsessed with God?

I came to the conclusion a couple of years ago that one can't be TOO obsessed with God....I would consider it 'after God's own heart' like King David sort of.

If you could hear my thought life....He is on my mind EVERY second and I am worshipping Him every waking moment and He is my first thought in the morning and my last thought when I fall asleep....and when I awaken in the middle of the night- HE is my waking thought!

 I think it's a fantastic thing to love him so much!!! I am SO glad that I have a friend who I can tell feels the same way.

It doesn't mean other thoughts can't come and go...but HE is there-woven into the fabric of every thought as the air is woven into our every breath.

Thanks to Linda for sending this newsletter, because to have things validated through others let's me know that I'm NOT crazy!!!!!!

I love you my dear sweet sister-in-Christ, and friend! God is absolutely 'our obsession' and I'm THANKFUL because if loving Him counts for anything-we have it made and are CERTAINLY heaven bound with not the slightest doubt-even IF we worry about those we LOVE so much!! HE even occupies our 'worry'!!!
HE is my delight and my 'first' love! HE is GOD of all my heart, mind, and soul!

I only want to please You in all I do....my every thought, act, or word. Lead me in Your Ways. Shadow me in Your sheltering wings. Keep me in perfect peace and keep my mind stayed on You, my fisrt love. Let me never forget what You have done out of Your great love and compassion for your creation. Let me never forget that I am created to worship You, and that my full purpose in life is to serve You with gladness, joy, and a whole heart!
Thank You Father that you hear and care so much!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lily, I enjoyed reading your blog.

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