Dandelion Mist

Dandelion Mist
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Missionary

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Father God,

I awaken each morning in thankfulness for YOUR Divine Presence. My morning song is always "How Great Thou Art!" Words can't express my love for YOU, oh, LORD GOD!
YOU are my Salvation, my Rock, my Shield, and my Buckler through all passing storms! When the great storms of life sweep over me, YOU are there, sheltering me, always!

How I thank YOU for my precious Michael being able to visit us from overseas. Your majesty and power, Your love, mercy and grace are ever-present. Give him safe passage back, LORD, I pray!

I thank YOU, LORD JESUS, for YOUR standing in the gap for me, for my beloved and precious family! I thank YOU LORD, for Allan, Lora, Michael, Jim, Ryan, Ian, and Zane!
Today I am only going to be with Michael one more full day before he returns to his "home away from home" which again.....this world is NOT our home......but LORD keep him safely in YOUR Loving, Fatherly arms and protect him from the evil one. Give him strength and courage, be with him in his ever-present loneliness. Give us all strength to face yet another separation from our beloved son, brother, uncle, and brother-in-law.
Go with him LORD JESUS, bless his work and give him wisdom and discernment! HOLY SPIRIT, lead him and guide his every step! Grant him an overflowing of blessings, wonderful health (spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally!), and protection!
Let his heart burn for YOUR WORD and for showing YOUR LIGHT to a dark world. Please be his constant companion and guide in his every decision, his every step, when he turns to the right or to the left, whisper The WAY in his ears as You teach us in Isaiah 30:21.
Thank You, LORD GOD in the very most precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Yours Forever!

1 comment:

  1. I love you, and I do encourage you to read your post for Feb. It is encouraging to me, and will be to you again.
