Dandelion Mist

Dandelion Mist
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Missionary

Friday, April 24, 2015

New Book On the Horizon-by Sue C. Weaver

Friday, April 24, 2015

Dearest Friends, Family, Brothers and Sisters in Christ;

I’m planning a new project for a book. I truly need and want your help!

What I need and pray that you will do for me is very simple, but will take a few moments of deep contemplation and then to jot it down and e-mail or private message to me on Facebook!

After attending the funeral of a precious brother in Christ, yesterday, I began to think ‘you know, so many people have their own idea of what their ‘mansion’ in heaven will be like! My departed brother’s wife stated to me that hers, she hoped, would be a country home.

Throughout my life, I’ve often said, “heaven will be fields of beautiful flowers, trees, streams of crystal waters, fragrances and colors beyond our human imagination!”
Men often say it will be streams of trout, fishing, and other things they love to do.
I would like for as many as are willing, to send me YOUR vision of your new ‘dwelling place’ or mansion in heaven!
Beyond the streets of gold and gates of pearl, in addition to being with Jesus and loved ones-HOW do you envision your own dwelling place for eternity?
I would prefer that you list your name, city, town, or state, country, etc.
I would like you to just say a brief bit about yourself and know that it will be published in an e-book.
You may make it is brief as you like, or pages, if you like.

I would prefer that you write it just as you’d like me to print it. I will proof-read for you, however, so not to worry about that. IF you want to add something before I get it finished, just let me know and I can copy/paste it and get it ready.

I would like you to insert that you permit me to use it.

I give my permission for this story of my visions of my heavenly dwelling place to be used for the purpose of publication by Sue C. Weaver

My vision of heaven is……………(insert your paragraphs, pages, etc. here….make it as brief or as long as you like!!)
You may also add your favorite scriptures, your own poetry or prose, words of encouragement to others, etc.
Use your most Vivid Imagination-it’s a small part of what God gave us to use!

Sue C. Weaver
You may e-mail me: lilysue1@live.com

Thank you so very, very much for helping me out with this project! God bless you eternally! He is preparing YOUR place!

P.S. ANY vision that you may have is appropriate. You are simply expressing your heart. You have the mind of Christ, and God created us to have an imagination. Let us use that imagination to give others a small glimpse of what heaven could be like!
You can also add your favorite scripture, poetry, prose, or words of encouragement! This may take some time for me to get the project complete-but it'll be well worth it. I pray that I'll have many outstanding and very vivid 'visions' of what people's personal home in heaven will look like. We all know that Jesus is the focus-it's ALL about Him, we also know that He loves to give good gifts to HIS own children and wants us to be blessed beyond our wildest imagination when we are there with Him for eternity.
 Love you in Jesus!
 I'll be looking forward to your 'vision'!!
 e-mail me or Facebook a private message.... lilysue1@live.com

Possible Titles

Beyond The Horizon
My Builder and Maker
Beyond Revelation
Eden to Revelation
Visions of Our Eternal Home
Visions of Our Eternal Dwelling Place
Dwelling In The Secret Place
Beyond The Grave
In His Presence

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