Dandelion Mist

Dandelion Mist
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Missionary

Tuesday, November 21, 2017



Posted on November 18, 2017 by suew1947
Saturday, November 18, 2017
12:44 PM

Adoption: Exactly what does a blended family look like? Well, of course, it all depends on the ethnic, cultural, religious, and gender, adopted into the family! Simple Yes?
Not if one looks at the church-the Body of the Living God, here on earth.

Why? Because people want to flock together with those with the same likes and dislikes. The rich want to have small group with the rich….the “in-crowd” at church, you know, the pastor and his wife, the worship leaders, the associate pastors, the elders, etc.

Because people want the kind of music they personally like. Because they want a quiet, reserved, worship scenario…..like Grandpa had.

Because they don’t want a band, guitars, cymbals, tambourines, hands held high, and all the smoke and flashing lights.

Because they don’t like the color of those sitting nearby. Because they don’t like to hear about finances. Because they’re upset with Sally Jones.

Because someone hurt their feelings. Because if I can’t hear what I want to hear, then I can’t show up.

Because if Sally doesn’t apologize, then I won’t either! Because I think they’re all hypocrites. Because they don’t acknowledge me. Because the pastor thinks no one knows the Bible but himself.

Because only 10% do all the work and giving.

WHAT would Jesus think? HOW can we all love and relate to one another, live in peace, forgive one another, and show the world what it’s like to walk with our Creator?

Will that ‘friend’ who no longer speaks to me, shun me in heaven? Will that person who called you a racist because you don’t like certain policies, stand on the opposite side of heaven from you? What about that co-worker that thinks you’re not as good as he or she?
 Life is filled with pain and sorrow. The Body of Christ was designed for fellowship and love; to strengthen one another. But it’s not being carried out that way, in many churches today, therefore, more and more attempts are made at sensationalizing the worship services……Hollywood for Jesus. What would Jesus think?

We were created to worship God alone above all else, heart, mind, soul, and strength. We were created to develop relationships. We were created for doing the work that God called us to do. If we can see others with the innocent eyes of a child, the eyes of love, trust, and forgiveness, we could live out the Body-the Church- and stand firm against the world, until Christ returns for His church.

What would Jesus think? He would tell us all-just as He already has…..“You will know they are My disciples by their LOVE.” (John 13:35)

Pray for our Body to live in unity, and BE the Church we were meant to be for the glory of our God and our Savior.

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