Dandelion Mist

Dandelion Mist
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Missionary

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Patriotism and The Family

Proverbs 14:1
A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.
One commentary notes:

Every wise woman builds her house - By her prudent and industrious management she increases property in the family, furniture in the house, and food and raiment for her household. This is the true building of a house. The thriftless wife acts differently, and the opposite is the result. Household furniture, far from being increased, is dilapidated; and her household are ill-fed, ill-clothed, and worse educated.
The family has always been God's chosen way of example of not only how a home should be run, but how the church family should be run.
God First.
Spouse Second (love your spouse as Christ loves the church and gave Himself for it).
God is a God of order. He is NOT a God of confusion. He has made His Word oh, so clear!
IF we can't function orderly-there WILL be confusion.
The devil is the the father of lies and confusion. He is the author of chaos!
When a house is filled with chaos, confusion, disrespect, anger, rage, and there is no time for God as the center of the family, when He is no longer number ONE, when selfishness, narcissism and blame take over....the family will perish.
The father may be the traditional 'bread-winner' but he has many more responsibilities than that alone....man can NOT live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God!
The mother, although she may NOT work outside the home (or even if she does), has the huge task of seeing that order is kept within the home.
Tending the children, cooking, cleaning, running errands, paying bills, etc., are just a small part of her DUTIES as a wife and mother.( A respected mother/father will tend to the wife/ husband/children/ home before their own enjoyment and relaxation. They may need time away of course, but a parents duties to God and family will create a smoother home life that results in enjoying the home rather than wanting to escape it!)
She can absolutely not shirk these if she plans on ever having the love and respect of her husband, children, and the church community.
She is the proverbial "HUB" of the wheel and can only function properly when she devotes her time to prayer, worship, and training, and keeping an orderly home.
Discipline in love and loving admonition in the Lord falls to BOTH parents!
Spare the rod and spoil the child? What does this actually mean, Biblically speaking...how is it to be administered?
Thy ROD and Thy STAFF...they COMFORT me!
The rod of the shepherd (both parents), was used to gently 'prod' the sheep back onto the "right" path, when they wandered from the straight and narrow. This was to protect them from danger, injury or being lost!
The staff was to lean on when tired or weary, to clear the way for the sheep (the children), and to protect from danger.
Discipline should always be done in patient love......never in anger!
Why patriotism?
Patriotism involves LOYALTY!
Be LOYAL to your family! Be LOYAL to your own children! Be LOYAL to your husband and/or wife!
How are we to be loyal? By always giving them the benefit of the doubt. By showing trust, respect, and honor!
Always remember: Obedience is what will keep you up close and personal... and the MOMENT you OBEY GOD-He WILL reveal the very next step to you....as soon as you STEP OUT of that BOAT in Obedience and Faith, HE reveals more of HIS love and character to you! We so way underrate obedience!!!
Children, HONOR your father and mother.....so that it may GO WELL WITH YOU!
Go well with who? YOU!
When we obey God's WORD, whether it is husband for wife, wife for husband, child for parent, parent for child, it is SO THAT it may GO WELL WITH YOU!
God knows what He is doing!
He knew from the beginning of time that we would need order, we would need a Savior, we would need HIM and one another to get along in this troubled, stress-filled life on earth.
He knew that we would allow the "cares of this life" to choke out His Word, if we didn't follow His ordained order of obedience, love, respect, forgiveness, and patience.....this is why He gave us His inspired Word; spoken, written, breathed by the Holy Spirit!
IF you have any unforgiveness in your heart, if you are filled with pain, hurt, anger, offense, toward a member of your own family.....IF you want order and respect, forgiveness, and health restored to your family life.......please hear this:
Place God in His proper order!
Place your spouse in his/her proper order!
Place your children in their proper order!
God has ordained marriage to BE an earthly likeness of the marriage of the Lamb, and the family/home the image of the bride of Christ...the family/church.....to BE the image of a loving FAMILY.
Your personal home/family and your church/family should REFLECT the love, respect, and honor you have for God, as the loving Father....if that love for God the Father isn't what it should be.....NEITHER will the home/family nor the church/family be what it SHOULD BE!

Abba Father, Loving Father,
Your Word is Truth and Your Word shows us how to love and forgive, to start each day ANEW in Your power and strength!
Not by might, not by power, but by MY Spirit.....this mountain shall be removed and become a flat plain!
Right now, things seem like mountains.....too great and too strong for me to overcome, yet I know that by Your Spirit, by Faith and obedience to YOUR WORD, mountains can become flat and smooth, give me strength one day at a time to walk in Your ways.
I can't see tomorrow and when I try, it seems too much for me to cope with, just for today, renew me and help me love, obey and forgive as my Lord Jesus showed me to do.
I can do ALL things through Christ, Who IS my strength!

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