King James Bible:
Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. (Daniel 11:37)
Although many believe the Anti-Christ will come from the Roman (revived) Empire. I totally agree with Pastor Jim Johnson. In his study on The End Times ( he talks about how he believes the Anti-Christ will be from the Islamic faith......I agree and have long believed that he will be a Muslim because of this very scripture in Daniel.
In the Bible the phrase 'the God of his fathers' was used to mean The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Now we all know the God of Abraham is Jehovah. Originally, long before the so-called prophet Muhammad came along to spread his version of 'religion' we know that Ishmael and Isaac were both children of Abraham......Ishmael the "illegitimate" son through Hagar and Isaac the "legitimate" son through Sarah, Abraham's wife.
The Bible says the "illegitimate" son shall not be the heir, but the "legitimate" son shall be the heir....which, of course is Isaac!
The Bible also says that Ishmael's hand will "always" be against his brother......hence, the constant wars and killing throughout the Muslim world and the hatred of the Israeli's by the Muslims....this is NOT me, this is the Word of God!
He will not regard the God of his father's absolutely CAN mean the Anti-Christ will be of the Islamic faith!
Of course, it could also be someone of the Jewish faith.......but the possibility of it being Islamic is more than likely. The reason I say this is because Satan has always counterfeited the REAL LEGITIMATE thing with his own illegitimate copy.
Ever since I read this verse years ago, I have believed the Anti-Christ will be Islamic. The more I see of today's changing world events, the more I believe this to be true.
I also believe Pastor Jim's part about the Feast of Trumpets possibly being the time of the Rapture. I recently read a book by Perry Stone called "Living in the Final Chapter"........very interesting book and I highly recommend it.... but he too, mentions the Feast of Trumpets and the Rapture of the church.
It makes a lot of sense because God always does seem to be so consistent in His alignment of events with previous events. He tells us He has revealed the end from the beginning......and He does! To know the end, we study what he says from the beginning.......Ishmael will always have his hand against his brother.....Ishmael will also be a great nation......Ishmael is the illegitimate child and has no inheritance......of course EVERYONE who comes to faith in JESUS as the MESSIAH and will believe on Him and ask HIM to be LORD of them will be saved and will inherit eternal life (BUT JESUS is the ONLY WAY).
The sons of Ishmael can also be adopted sons and become legitimate heirs....again, this can only be done through salvation in Christ Jesus.
PLEASE read Galatians Chapter 4: 22-31. "For it is written that Abraham had two sons, the one (Ishmael) by a bondwoman (illegitimate) the other by a free woman (Isaac). But he who was born of the bondwoman was born of the flesh; but he of the free woman was by promise. ( verse 29 says: But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted Him that was born after the spirit, even so it is now)
We read on in verse 30: Nevertheless what says the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the Bond Woman shall NOT be heir with the son of the Free Woman. (31) So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman BUT of the Free. (In Christ Alone is this possible!)
All in all, to me, and this is MY opinion from what the scriptures say, the illegitimate (counterfeit) is likely to be the one from whom the Anti-Christ will come.
I used to think (again against the norm!!) that the Anti-Christ would be Jewish....then I began to study Daniel 11:37 and with a lot of day I just thought, "hey this guy could be Muslim! They both had Abraham as their father and His God is Jehovah!!"
Anyway, that's my story for today. I urge you to listen to pastor Jim's study and I also urge you to study and pray.....for the end will come either by rapture or by death!
Let's look up for our Redemption draws near!
Father God,
Thank You that we have salvation through Jesus. Thank You that this wonderful gift is offered to everyone who will come to Jesus in faith, no matter who they are or what they've done....that Jesus died for us while we were all yet sinners! I thank You for our Muslim brothers and sisters who have come to You and often at risk of their lives. I thank You that You love us, every one, and that You are not willing that anyone should perish, that You are waiting with open arms! I thank You that in You we will have changed hearts and lives!
In Jesus' Name I pray.....Amen.
A Prayer Garden! This Blog is for Prayer,Prayer Requests, To Discuss Salvation, and To Seek To Know Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the World, and To Search God's Word; The Holy Bible
Dandelion Mist
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
My Grace Is Sufficient
Thursday, November 16, 2006 (re-printed from The Fishermensline by- Sue Weaver)
My GRACE is Sufficient!
As I sit here beginning to write my Blog, I am in the active process of listening to 99.7 Family Life Radio. How amazing that the two programs I have been listening to this morning are about the very subject I have decided to write about today! You can listen online at
The first was Chuck Swindoll in raising children and the difficulties we encounter and the huge responsibilities. The second (which is still in progress is the story of a Korean Street Child, as she tells her story of being put out in the street as an infant, still believing that her mother loves her, but did what she had to do. The child, now a grown Christian woman, in ministry, tells of being thrown into a building with another little girl, younger than she. She tells of the hatred she felt at being used as a human bait for rats. She tells of being abused by men over and over. She told of a man who finally showed some real affection and she spat on him, at nine years old, she was dead to emotion except for hatred. She was adopted by a Christian couple and began to know God and the love of Christ and began to heal....what a blessing to have a mother and father who can Train up a child in the way he should go!
That leads me into my subject for today. Proverbs 22:6 is an all time favorite verse for most Christian parents. I have that scripture dedicated in a brick at the Melbourne Beach Library for my three grandsons; Ryan, Ian, and Zane.
As I think deeply and intently about the verse, I see so many ways it can be understood. ( I LOVE the living, dynamic, changing, ( as we are led to understand little-by-little by the Holy Spirit) revealing, yet firm ways God makes His every Word come alive!)
Train: the definition of train means to impart knowledge, to instruct by precept and example, to give experience. As we train a tender plant as in a Bonsai tree, so shall it be bent. As we nurture and gently shape and mold it, as we turn it toward the sun (SON), it will turn in that direction. We can not force it, we must be gentle and consistent...if we force it, it will break. This is proven Biblically by the following scripture:
Colossians 3:21 " fathers, (and mothers) provoke not your children to wrath, lest they be discouraged" Some translations say: "Do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged."
Know that your child is wonderfully made by God and trust God that He will be His protector and guide. Know that His grace is sufficient for you and for your child if you leave that child in the Father's hands!
When we train up a child in the way he should go it means more than meets the eye! Train is to teach, to admonish, to gently guide, to discipline with loving admonishment (to express disapproval by gentle and ernest, solicitous manner, to advise and encourage...not DIS-courage).
As we train our child, we know that the fruit we will see may (most likely) not be immediate, nor even may it be in the next few years, but know that if you lovingly, gently, teach and admonish by example of your own life, that child will turn to the one who is loving, forgiving, and provides for him in his times of trouble. If he knows that God is his counselor, his sustenance, his rock of salvation, a very present help, his Lord and savior, he will turn to Him! It is God's promise. It is truth. It is written. God is faithful. The KEY is training by example, with love, gentleness, and loving admonishment.
When the Bible says; "spare the rod, and spoil the child...." I shudder to think of the ways in which this has been made perverse! We knew of a man back in Wyoming who made a rod about three feet long and about 1/2 " thick to use on his children..they were ages from one year to about three!
In Biblical times, the rod was a gentle probe to guide or nudge in a certain direction. The rod and staff were to comfort not to beat or harm! We need to nudge our children in the right direction. If we see them having a desire we should listen with intention, ask them to pray with us about it and ask God to direct and counsel and then let God's grace be sufficient. In doing this, we teach them to seek God for all decisions and to trust in God's will not our own.
David was a man "after Gods own heart" yet David killed a man, caused another to die at the front lines of battle, committed adultery, killed a giant, killed a lion, and danced naked (although my studies in the word 'naked' indicates he was wearing his inner garments!) in the streets. The heart of David was toward the Lord, always. His intent was to please God, yet he failed many times to be a perfect example....the consequences of his behavior was to have those same sins repeated by his own sons, and to lose the son of Bathsheba. He paid the price of sin. God is no respector of persons, if we sin, we pay in this life (consequences may last briefly or always!), as well as being judged or rewarded on judgement day, (depending on if you are saved or not)
We teach our children that there are consequences in this life for our sins and for the choices that we make. When we include God in our decisions, I am a firm believer that He will work things together for good for those that love Him and keep His commandments!
We shall become as little children...."whosoever shall humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and whosoever shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me. But whoso shall offend (cause one of these to stumble!) one of these who believe in me, it would be better for him if a millstone were hanged around his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
The raising of a precious child is a very serious business. It is the greatest responsibility one can ever carry. It absolutely must be done with fervent prayer and with a bridled tongue. It must be carried out with the I Corinthians Love scriptures:
Love suffereth LONG! Love is KIND! Love envieth not! Love vaunteth not ITSELF! Love is not puffed up! Love doth not behave itself UNSEEMLY!
Love seeketh not her own! Love is not easily PROVOKED! Love thinketh no EVIL! Love rejoices not in unrighteousness. Love rejoices in TRUTH!
Love bears all things! Love Believes all things! Love HOPES all things! Love ENDURES all things! Love NEVER FAILS!
To the children: Children OBEY your parents in the LORD, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother. This is a commandment with promise, that it may go well with you! (Eph.6:1-2).
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth.....let all bitterness and wrath, and anger, clamor, and evil speaking or railing (shouting, arguing) be put away from you! Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving, EVEN as GOD forgives you! (Eph. 29-32).
Fathers, provoke NOT your children to wrath! but bring them up in the LOVING nurture of the Lord. (Eph. 6:1)
I am so thankful to my God and my Savior for my children! I thank my God for my grandchildren and my son-in-law and for my husband. God is so good to us. I have no words to thank Him for His awesome grace, mercy, love, patience, forgiveness, and His constant and wonderful presence. I am so glad, in light of my lack of ability to thank Him enough, that His GRACE is truly sufficient for me!
To my family: I thank you for being a part of my life, for the blessing you have been to me these past years, I thank my God for all of you. I thank my God for my brothers and sisters around the world, for the body of the Living Church of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer! With every blessing, I give HIM praise!
Thanksgiving be Unto our Father.
Pray Without Ceasing!
My GRACE is Sufficient!
As I sit here beginning to write my Blog, I am in the active process of listening to 99.7 Family Life Radio. How amazing that the two programs I have been listening to this morning are about the very subject I have decided to write about today! You can listen online at
The first was Chuck Swindoll in raising children and the difficulties we encounter and the huge responsibilities. The second (which is still in progress is the story of a Korean Street Child, as she tells her story of being put out in the street as an infant, still believing that her mother loves her, but did what she had to do. The child, now a grown Christian woman, in ministry, tells of being thrown into a building with another little girl, younger than she. She tells of the hatred she felt at being used as a human bait for rats. She tells of being abused by men over and over. She told of a man who finally showed some real affection and she spat on him, at nine years old, she was dead to emotion except for hatred. She was adopted by a Christian couple and began to know God and the love of Christ and began to heal....what a blessing to have a mother and father who can Train up a child in the way he should go!
That leads me into my subject for today. Proverbs 22:6 is an all time favorite verse for most Christian parents. I have that scripture dedicated in a brick at the Melbourne Beach Library for my three grandsons; Ryan, Ian, and Zane.
As I think deeply and intently about the verse, I see so many ways it can be understood. ( I LOVE the living, dynamic, changing, ( as we are led to understand little-by-little by the Holy Spirit) revealing, yet firm ways God makes His every Word come alive!)
Train: the definition of train means to impart knowledge, to instruct by precept and example, to give experience. As we train a tender plant as in a Bonsai tree, so shall it be bent. As we nurture and gently shape and mold it, as we turn it toward the sun (SON), it will turn in that direction. We can not force it, we must be gentle and consistent...if we force it, it will break. This is proven Biblically by the following scripture:
Colossians 3:21 " fathers, (and mothers) provoke not your children to wrath, lest they be discouraged" Some translations say: "Do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged."
Know that your child is wonderfully made by God and trust God that He will be His protector and guide. Know that His grace is sufficient for you and for your child if you leave that child in the Father's hands!
When we train up a child in the way he should go it means more than meets the eye! Train is to teach, to admonish, to gently guide, to discipline with loving admonishment (to express disapproval by gentle and ernest, solicitous manner, to advise and encourage...not DIS-courage).
As we train our child, we know that the fruit we will see may (most likely) not be immediate, nor even may it be in the next few years, but know that if you lovingly, gently, teach and admonish by example of your own life, that child will turn to the one who is loving, forgiving, and provides for him in his times of trouble. If he knows that God is his counselor, his sustenance, his rock of salvation, a very present help, his Lord and savior, he will turn to Him! It is God's promise. It is truth. It is written. God is faithful. The KEY is training by example, with love, gentleness, and loving admonishment.
When the Bible says; "spare the rod, and spoil the child...." I shudder to think of the ways in which this has been made perverse! We knew of a man back in Wyoming who made a rod about three feet long and about 1/2 " thick to use on his children..they were ages from one year to about three!
In Biblical times, the rod was a gentle probe to guide or nudge in a certain direction. The rod and staff were to comfort not to beat or harm! We need to nudge our children in the right direction. If we see them having a desire we should listen with intention, ask them to pray with us about it and ask God to direct and counsel and then let God's grace be sufficient. In doing this, we teach them to seek God for all decisions and to trust in God's will not our own.
David was a man "after Gods own heart" yet David killed a man, caused another to die at the front lines of battle, committed adultery, killed a giant, killed a lion, and danced naked (although my studies in the word 'naked' indicates he was wearing his inner garments!) in the streets. The heart of David was toward the Lord, always. His intent was to please God, yet he failed many times to be a perfect example....the consequences of his behavior was to have those same sins repeated by his own sons, and to lose the son of Bathsheba. He paid the price of sin. God is no respector of persons, if we sin, we pay in this life (consequences may last briefly or always!), as well as being judged or rewarded on judgement day, (depending on if you are saved or not)
We teach our children that there are consequences in this life for our sins and for the choices that we make. When we include God in our decisions, I am a firm believer that He will work things together for good for those that love Him and keep His commandments!
We shall become as little children...."whosoever shall humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and whosoever shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me. But whoso shall offend (cause one of these to stumble!) one of these who believe in me, it would be better for him if a millstone were hanged around his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea."
The raising of a precious child is a very serious business. It is the greatest responsibility one can ever carry. It absolutely must be done with fervent prayer and with a bridled tongue. It must be carried out with the I Corinthians Love scriptures:
Love suffereth LONG! Love is KIND! Love envieth not! Love vaunteth not ITSELF! Love is not puffed up! Love doth not behave itself UNSEEMLY!
Love seeketh not her own! Love is not easily PROVOKED! Love thinketh no EVIL! Love rejoices not in unrighteousness. Love rejoices in TRUTH!
Love bears all things! Love Believes all things! Love HOPES all things! Love ENDURES all things! Love NEVER FAILS!
To the children: Children OBEY your parents in the LORD, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother. This is a commandment with promise, that it may go well with you! (Eph.6:1-2).
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth.....let all bitterness and wrath, and anger, clamor, and evil speaking or railing (shouting, arguing) be put away from you! Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving, EVEN as GOD forgives you! (Eph. 29-32).
Fathers, provoke NOT your children to wrath! but bring them up in the LOVING nurture of the Lord. (Eph. 6:1)
I am so thankful to my God and my Savior for my children! I thank my God for my grandchildren and my son-in-law and for my husband. God is so good to us. I have no words to thank Him for His awesome grace, mercy, love, patience, forgiveness, and His constant and wonderful presence. I am so glad, in light of my lack of ability to thank Him enough, that His GRACE is truly sufficient for me!
To my family: I thank you for being a part of my life, for the blessing you have been to me these past years, I thank my God for all of you. I thank my God for my brothers and sisters around the world, for the body of the Living Church of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer! With every blessing, I give HIM praise!
Thanksgiving be Unto our Father.
Pray Without Ceasing!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Resurrection Morning!
And on the first day of the week at the dawn of day and near the rising of the sun, the Angel of the Lord told the two Marys that Jesus had risen as He had told them that He would.
What must those three days have been like? How quickly our 'profound' faith can fail us! We, like doubting Thomas, declare our faith, but the moment darkness envelops us, we scatter. We may not run and hide as the disciples did when Jesus was arrested, but our hearts become fearful just the same.
How afraid the disciples and the followers of Jesus must have been during and after the crucifixion! How they must have wondered at what He told them about eternal life!
What joy they must have felt when they saw Him again, though, after the Resurrection! He's alive! He's alive! What He told us was every bit true! I saw Him. I heard His voice! I ate with Him! I touched His nail-scarred hands! My heart burned within me as He spoke to me! I saw the stone rolled away! I saw Him as bright as the noon-day sun! I walked along the road with Him! He opened my understanding! He upbraided me for my unbelief! I touched His hands and His feet in the flesh! I gave Him of my fish and He ate! He ate of my honeycomb! He's alive!
Jesus spent time with His followers before He ascended into heaven. Just as He said to them back then that He would suffer and die and rise again...... so will He return. Just as He ascended in the clouds, so shall He return in the clouds........God reveals the END from the BEGINNING!
Father God,
Thank You that You reveal Your plans for us. Thank You that we can know exactly what You expect from us because Jesus has shown us how to be saved. Thank You for the cross and the eternal cleansing blood of the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. Thank You for the Lamb that will return as the Lion of Judah. Thank You for Your written inspired Word. Thank You for the Holy Spirit that is our intercessor.
Thank You for the plan of salvation through Jesus, the Messiah, by faith and through Your mercy and grace alone!
In Christ Alone Our Hope Is Found!
What must those three days have been like? How quickly our 'profound' faith can fail us! We, like doubting Thomas, declare our faith, but the moment darkness envelops us, we scatter. We may not run and hide as the disciples did when Jesus was arrested, but our hearts become fearful just the same.
How afraid the disciples and the followers of Jesus must have been during and after the crucifixion! How they must have wondered at what He told them about eternal life!
What joy they must have felt when they saw Him again, though, after the Resurrection! He's alive! He's alive! What He told us was every bit true! I saw Him. I heard His voice! I ate with Him! I touched His nail-scarred hands! My heart burned within me as He spoke to me! I saw the stone rolled away! I saw Him as bright as the noon-day sun! I walked along the road with Him! He opened my understanding! He upbraided me for my unbelief! I touched His hands and His feet in the flesh! I gave Him of my fish and He ate! He ate of my honeycomb! He's alive!
Jesus spent time with His followers before He ascended into heaven. Just as He said to them back then that He would suffer and die and rise again...... so will He return. Just as He ascended in the clouds, so shall He return in the clouds........God reveals the END from the BEGINNING!
Father God,
Thank You that You reveal Your plans for us. Thank You that we can know exactly what You expect from us because Jesus has shown us how to be saved. Thank You for the cross and the eternal cleansing blood of the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. Thank You for the Lamb that will return as the Lion of Judah. Thank You for Your written inspired Word. Thank You for the Holy Spirit that is our intercessor.
Thank You for the plan of salvation through Jesus, the Messiah, by faith and through Your mercy and grace alone!
In Christ Alone Our Hope Is Found!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
In The Tomb
The Saturday Morning before celebration of The Resurrection about five A.M.
You are The Mighty God, Counselor, King of Kings, The Prince of Peace, The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End, Lord of Lords, Eternal Father, Son of God, The Most High God, The One and Only God......and I will adore you!
Over two thousand years ago about this time, you were lying in a new tomb. You had been beaten beyond recognition. You had been mocked and spat upon. You had been accused unjustly. You had been crucified upon a cross between two guilty theives.
You were innocent. You lay down Your life for the guilty. You accepted the sin of every past, present, and future person to be laid upon Your shoulders. You suffered just as predicted.
The Word is mighty and powerful, yet we humans can never speak or write the words that could convey the pain, suffering, and humiliation You went through, willingly, in our place on that cross.
What great love! What mercy! What compassion! What a great Savior! Yesterday at our Good Friday service, at Mount Hope Church, Pastor Dave said, "it took eternal blood to give us eternal life...there was no other way!"
Now we have this treasure in earthen vessels, but through the shedding of blood......not just any blood, but the blood of The One and only Perfect sacrifice, once for all, Jesus the Christ, we have eternal blood flowing in our veins!
There could be no other way....."I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, but by ME!" It was planned from the foundation of the world.
God made flesh. The Word made flesh in the Person of Jesus Christ. Born of a virgin. Lived a sinless life. Perfect before God the Father. Mocked. Ridiculed. Accused. Crucified without a proper trial.
Every prophecy foretold about Him came true/ or will soon come true.
He is coming back for His church someday. If we follow Him and if we are one of His, we'll be part of that great wedding party.....the Bride of Christ.
Yes, it's been over two thousand years since His crucifixion and Resurrection, but God is not slack as some humans count slackness! He is not willing that ANY should perish in their sin. He is giving all a chance to believe and obey. How many times will He call you? How many times will you refuse to listen and obey His call? There comes a day for everyone who ignores Him......the call may come no more.
Listen! Seek Him while He can yet be found! He died for you. He suffered for you!
There is no other way to salvation and eternal life. It's so simple. It's simple for US but it wasn't simple for Him! It's free to us, but it cost Him so much!
He went to the cross for all who will only believe and make Him Lord of YOUR life!
It's more than believing....the devil believes! The demons believe. We have to give Him our heart, our life, our loyalty.....He will give us eternal life and He will walk with us through any storm in this life! He will send His Holy Spirit to live inside us: to teach us, comfort us, guide us into all truth!
Don't let His death on the cross not mean anything to you! Let it be your salvation from eternal damnation and separation.
Father God,
I come to you in Jesus' name. I pray for those who don't know about You and the cross. Lord, I pray that this 'blog' will somehow reach thousands who may not know You, and that they will have a desire to come to know Who You are and why You died for the sins of the world. Lord, the love that You have for Your creation is incomprehensible! Thank You for such great love, for such mercy and compassion! We are so unworthy! Yet even in our sin...You died for us and all that You ask is our faith and trust and a child-like heart, that we follow after You as You lead us by Your Holy Spirit.
Thank You. Those words are so inadequate, but Thank You!
In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen
You are The Mighty God, Counselor, King of Kings, The Prince of Peace, The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End, Lord of Lords, Eternal Father, Son of God, The Most High God, The One and Only God......and I will adore you!
Over two thousand years ago about this time, you were lying in a new tomb. You had been beaten beyond recognition. You had been mocked and spat upon. You had been accused unjustly. You had been crucified upon a cross between two guilty theives.
You were innocent. You lay down Your life for the guilty. You accepted the sin of every past, present, and future person to be laid upon Your shoulders. You suffered just as predicted.
The Word is mighty and powerful, yet we humans can never speak or write the words that could convey the pain, suffering, and humiliation You went through, willingly, in our place on that cross.
What great love! What mercy! What compassion! What a great Savior! Yesterday at our Good Friday service, at Mount Hope Church, Pastor Dave said, "it took eternal blood to give us eternal life...there was no other way!"
Now we have this treasure in earthen vessels, but through the shedding of blood......not just any blood, but the blood of The One and only Perfect sacrifice, once for all, Jesus the Christ, we have eternal blood flowing in our veins!
There could be no other way....."I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, but by ME!" It was planned from the foundation of the world.
God made flesh. The Word made flesh in the Person of Jesus Christ. Born of a virgin. Lived a sinless life. Perfect before God the Father. Mocked. Ridiculed. Accused. Crucified without a proper trial.
Every prophecy foretold about Him came true/ or will soon come true.
He is coming back for His church someday. If we follow Him and if we are one of His, we'll be part of that great wedding party.....the Bride of Christ.
Yes, it's been over two thousand years since His crucifixion and Resurrection, but God is not slack as some humans count slackness! He is not willing that ANY should perish in their sin. He is giving all a chance to believe and obey. How many times will He call you? How many times will you refuse to listen and obey His call? There comes a day for everyone who ignores Him......the call may come no more.
Listen! Seek Him while He can yet be found! He died for you. He suffered for you!
There is no other way to salvation and eternal life. It's so simple. It's simple for US but it wasn't simple for Him! It's free to us, but it cost Him so much!
He went to the cross for all who will only believe and make Him Lord of YOUR life!
It's more than believing....the devil believes! The demons believe. We have to give Him our heart, our life, our loyalty.....He will give us eternal life and He will walk with us through any storm in this life! He will send His Holy Spirit to live inside us: to teach us, comfort us, guide us into all truth!
Don't let His death on the cross not mean anything to you! Let it be your salvation from eternal damnation and separation.
Father God,
I come to you in Jesus' name. I pray for those who don't know about You and the cross. Lord, I pray that this 'blog' will somehow reach thousands who may not know You, and that they will have a desire to come to know Who You are and why You died for the sins of the world. Lord, the love that You have for Your creation is incomprehensible! Thank You for such great love, for such mercy and compassion! We are so unworthy! Yet even in our sin...You died for us and all that You ask is our faith and trust and a child-like heart, that we follow after You as You lead us by Your Holy Spirit.
Thank You. Those words are so inadequate, but Thank You!
In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Spring Is In The Air?
Yesterday morning, April 18th, 2011, I awakened about five a.m. I did my usual routine, looked out the front door.....cold but no snow as predicted there would be around midnight.
I had my first cup of coffee and my cocoanut covered date snack, and prayed and had my quiet worship time with my heavenly Father.
I went into the kitchen, looked out the window, and lo and behold! Snow was raining down in torrents of beautiful white flakes. I realize that once my daffodils and hyacinths had bloomed, the sunny day we had a week earlier with the 84 degree temperature should have made it clear that spring was here!
Yet, although a bit disappointing that winter was hesitating to leave us, I couldn't help appreciate the pristine white flakes that covered everything.
There's just something about the white, pureness and beauty of new-fallen snow! It makes me think of how we are washed in the blood of Jesus and how HE makes us as white as snow. We may, from time to time, have the dusty old dirt from this world cling to us, and along HE comes, and showers us with His cleansing love and forgiveness.
I will always appreciate those days of crystal white flakes.....even if they come in July or August. Like Jesus told His disciples when He washed their feet, you don't need a full bath, only your feet.....meaning that we don't need salvation all over again.....just a daily washing through searching our souls and examining our hearts, repenting of those dusty old dirty 'sins' that beset us daily, and have a renewal of the Holy Spirit's cleansing power.
"Give us this day....." our daily washing and renewal....."our daily bread"......Your Word is our bread of life....
"forgive us our trespasses".......cleanse us daily from our wrong-doing and wrong- thinking....."As we forgive those who trespass against us".......we MUST forgive others IF we expect to BE forgiven.....
Is Spring in the air? Spring is renewal......spring is always in the air!
"Father God, I thank You for the renewal of spring! I thank You for the renewal, the refreshing of Your Holy Spirit....I thank You for the forgiveness of my sin, and that You love me. I thank You for the washing of my feet, daily, as I walk with You by faith, through your mercy and grace! In Jesus' name, Amen!
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all things, for this is the will of God for you. Prove all things. Hold fast to that which is good!
I Th. 5:16-21
I had my first cup of coffee and my cocoanut covered date snack, and prayed and had my quiet worship time with my heavenly Father.
I went into the kitchen, looked out the window, and lo and behold! Snow was raining down in torrents of beautiful white flakes. I realize that once my daffodils and hyacinths had bloomed, the sunny day we had a week earlier with the 84 degree temperature should have made it clear that spring was here!
Yet, although a bit disappointing that winter was hesitating to leave us, I couldn't help appreciate the pristine white flakes that covered everything.
There's just something about the white, pureness and beauty of new-fallen snow! It makes me think of how we are washed in the blood of Jesus and how HE makes us as white as snow. We may, from time to time, have the dusty old dirt from this world cling to us, and along HE comes, and showers us with His cleansing love and forgiveness.
I will always appreciate those days of crystal white flakes.....even if they come in July or August. Like Jesus told His disciples when He washed their feet, you don't need a full bath, only your feet.....meaning that we don't need salvation all over again.....just a daily washing through searching our souls and examining our hearts, repenting of those dusty old dirty 'sins' that beset us daily, and have a renewal of the Holy Spirit's cleansing power.
"Give us this day....." our daily washing and renewal....."our daily bread"......Your Word is our bread of life....
"forgive us our trespasses".......cleanse us daily from our wrong-doing and wrong- thinking....."As we forgive those who trespass against us".......we MUST forgive others IF we expect to BE forgiven.....
Is Spring in the air? Spring is renewal......spring is always in the air!
"Father God, I thank You for the renewal of spring! I thank You for the renewal, the refreshing of Your Holy Spirit....I thank You for the forgiveness of my sin, and that You love me. I thank You for the washing of my feet, daily, as I walk with You by faith, through your mercy and grace! In Jesus' name, Amen!
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all things, for this is the will of God for you. Prove all things. Hold fast to that which is good!
I Th. 5:16-21
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The Passion of Christ!!
Another Poem for Passover/Easterby-Sue C. Weaver Passover Week-End!
By-Sue C. Weaver
Friday April 10, 2009 (copyright)
I heard the shouting and the crying,
As I walked along the way-
I saw a mob had gathered…..
I’ll never forget that day!
I saw a man had been beaten,
His bones were showing through-
The bleeding flesh that hung so loosely,
His body was bent and broken, too.
Upon his head was a crown of thorns,
That pierced the skin upon his brow-
He stumbled through the streets that day,
He continued, but I don’t know how!
His eyes were swollen masses,
Of blood and bruises, and pain-
But as he stumbled along the street
He fell; then got up again!!!
The crowd was jeering as He walked,
The guards struck him in the face-
“Tell us who struck you, King!”
“Save Thyself, Thy Royal Grace!”
He looked into the crowd that day,
His eyes could barely see-
I caught the sadness in those eyes,
He was looking directly into me!
He saw the brokenness in my heart,
He saw my loneliness, and yes, my sin-
He pierced my soul with his depth of love,
He saw me deep within!
I shouted to the guards nearby,
“You must not do that to this man!”
They laughed at me and pushed me away,
“Who are you to tell us? Stop us if you can!!”
The man was becoming weaker,
His steps were very slow-
The crowd was getting wilder,
“Crucify Him, Crucify Him, Hurry on, let us go!”
There was a woman in the crowd;
Whose eyes were filled with pain and fear-
“Oh, God, my God, He is my son, too,
Why have You brought Him here?”
“ I thought He would redeem the world,
I thought He would be King!
Have I understood so little?
Why have you done this thing?”
The man looked into her eyes,
And knew what she had felt-
He didn’t falter as he spoke to her,
As before him, his mother knelt.
He said, “This is the reason I came here,
For this moment, I Am sent to earth-
To redeem man’s soul for my Father,
To offer a second birth!
Now, I go unto my Father,
Where I have prepared a place-
For those who are willing to believe in me,
Find salvation, through my Father’s grace!
If I were not to suffer so,
If the cross I did not bear-
I would not be their redeemer,
And their sins would still be there!
But Because I have obeyed my Father,
And the work I have is nearly done-
I must continue in this way;
Until the victory, has been won!”
He looked up toward the sky;
And stumbled up toward that hill-
He had determined in Himself,
He must obey His Father’s will.
I watched in terror, as they placed the spikes,
Into his wrists that fateful day-
He willingly submitted to His death,
There was no other way!!
The crowd began to weep and wail,
As thunder and lightning filled the sky-
The darkness covered all the land,
As they watched their savior die!
The crowd began to change their mind,
About Whom they crucified-
“Surely, this is the Son of God!”
The crowd, who mocked; then cried.
"Father, please forgive them,
For they know not, what they do!”
Could this be the Son of God-
Who has done this thing for me and you!?
I fell down upon my face,
My heart completely broken-
I was absolutely certain,
To me, the man had spoken,
“If you had known the Father,
You would have known me, too!
You are forgiven, you sins are gone,
Yes, I AM, doing this for you!”
He cried out one last time’
His voice strong, not the least diminished-
“Into Thy hands, I commit my spirit-
And now, it is finished!”
This is not the end,
Of the story of my Lord-
On the third day He had risen,
And kept His promised Word!
He is coming back someday,
To take His children, His church, His bride-
To live eternally with the Father,
Forever at His side!
Posted by Sue (The original Author) The Fishermens Line at 6:32 PM on Apr 3, 2010
By-Sue C. Weaver
Friday April 10, 2009 (copyright)
I heard the shouting and the crying,
As I walked along the way-
I saw a mob had gathered…..
I’ll never forget that day!
I saw a man had been beaten,
His bones were showing through-
The bleeding flesh that hung so loosely,
His body was bent and broken, too.
Upon his head was a crown of thorns,
That pierced the skin upon his brow-
He stumbled through the streets that day,
He continued, but I don’t know how!
His eyes were swollen masses,
Of blood and bruises, and pain-
But as he stumbled along the street
He fell; then got up again!!!
The crowd was jeering as He walked,
The guards struck him in the face-
“Tell us who struck you, King!”
“Save Thyself, Thy Royal Grace!”
He looked into the crowd that day,
His eyes could barely see-
I caught the sadness in those eyes,
He was looking directly into me!
He saw the brokenness in my heart,
He saw my loneliness, and yes, my sin-
He pierced my soul with his depth of love,
He saw me deep within!
I shouted to the guards nearby,
“You must not do that to this man!”
They laughed at me and pushed me away,
“Who are you to tell us? Stop us if you can!!”
The man was becoming weaker,
His steps were very slow-
The crowd was getting wilder,
“Crucify Him, Crucify Him, Hurry on, let us go!”
There was a woman in the crowd;
Whose eyes were filled with pain and fear-
“Oh, God, my God, He is my son, too,
Why have You brought Him here?”
“ I thought He would redeem the world,
I thought He would be King!
Have I understood so little?
Why have you done this thing?”
The man looked into her eyes,
And knew what she had felt-
He didn’t falter as he spoke to her,
As before him, his mother knelt.
He said, “This is the reason I came here,
For this moment, I Am sent to earth-
To redeem man’s soul for my Father,
To offer a second birth!
Now, I go unto my Father,
Where I have prepared a place-
For those who are willing to believe in me,
Find salvation, through my Father’s grace!
If I were not to suffer so,
If the cross I did not bear-
I would not be their redeemer,
And their sins would still be there!
But Because I have obeyed my Father,
And the work I have is nearly done-
I must continue in this way;
Until the victory, has been won!”
He looked up toward the sky;
And stumbled up toward that hill-
He had determined in Himself,
He must obey His Father’s will.
I watched in terror, as they placed the spikes,
Into his wrists that fateful day-
He willingly submitted to His death,
There was no other way!!
The crowd began to weep and wail,
As thunder and lightning filled the sky-
The darkness covered all the land,
As they watched their savior die!
The crowd began to change their mind,
About Whom they crucified-
“Surely, this is the Son of God!”
The crowd, who mocked; then cried.
"Father, please forgive them,
For they know not, what they do!”
Could this be the Son of God-
Who has done this thing for me and you!?
I fell down upon my face,
My heart completely broken-
I was absolutely certain,
To me, the man had spoken,
“If you had known the Father,
You would have known me, too!
You are forgiven, you sins are gone,
Yes, I AM, doing this for you!”
He cried out one last time’
His voice strong, not the least diminished-
“Into Thy hands, I commit my spirit-
And now, it is finished!”
This is not the end,
Of the story of my Lord-
On the third day He had risen,
And kept His promised Word!
He is coming back someday,
To take His children, His church, His bride-
To live eternally with the Father,
Forever at His side!
Posted by Sue (The original Author) The Fishermens Line at 6:32 PM on Apr 3, 2010
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Obey God!
"Look, today I set before you a blessing and a curse: there will be a blessing, if you obey the commands of the Lord your God I am giving you today, and a curse, if you do not obey the commands of the Lord your God, and you turn aside from the path I command you today by following other gods you have not known. Deuteronomy 11:26-28
How much clearer can God speak to us? IF we love HIM, we WILL obey His commands and stautes!
Faith in God is what brings us into complete obedience.
Now someone may argue, "Some people have faith; others have good deeds." But I say, "How can you show me your faith if you don't have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds." James 2:18 (NLT)
We show our Faith BY our obedience to God! Without God being first in our intentions....good deeds are JUST good deeds! We are Justified by Faith, through Grace, and our actions MUST reflect our Love and Obedience for God through Christ Jesus....THE LORD of our life!
I once read something that quickly became my 'motto'
"You can GIVE without Loving-
But you CAN'T Love, without Giving!"
Let us always remember that to Love God, is to Obey God.....Trust and the song goes.....There's no other way!
Father God,
I come to YOU in the most precious name above all names, Jesus, the Christ. I seek to know YOUR will and to never grieve Your Holy Spirit. I find in Your Word, how to know and obey Your will and commandments. I find through prayer and fellowship what Your plans are for my life. Teach me, Lord, to follow after You!
I pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen!
Your Daughter,
Lily Sue
How much clearer can God speak to us? IF we love HIM, we WILL obey His commands and stautes!
Faith in God is what brings us into complete obedience.
Now someone may argue, "Some people have faith; others have good deeds." But I say, "How can you show me your faith if you don't have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds." James 2:18 (NLT)
We show our Faith BY our obedience to God! Without God being first in our intentions....good deeds are JUST good deeds! We are Justified by Faith, through Grace, and our actions MUST reflect our Love and Obedience for God through Christ Jesus....THE LORD of our life!
I once read something that quickly became my 'motto'
"You can GIVE without Loving-
But you CAN'T Love, without Giving!"
Let us always remember that to Love God, is to Obey God.....Trust and the song goes.....There's no other way!
Father God,
I come to YOU in the most precious name above all names, Jesus, the Christ. I seek to know YOUR will and to never grieve Your Holy Spirit. I find in Your Word, how to know and obey Your will and commandments. I find through prayer and fellowship what Your plans are for my life. Teach me, Lord, to follow after You!
I pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen!
Your Daughter,
Lily Sue
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