And on the first day of the week at the dawn of day and near the rising of the sun, the Angel of the Lord told the two Marys that Jesus had risen as He had told them that He would.
What must those three days have been like? How quickly our 'profound' faith can fail us! We, like doubting Thomas, declare our faith, but the moment darkness envelops us, we scatter. We may not run and hide as the disciples did when Jesus was arrested, but our hearts become fearful just the same.
How afraid the disciples and the followers of Jesus must have been during and after the crucifixion! How they must have wondered at what He told them about eternal life!
What joy they must have felt when they saw Him again, though, after the Resurrection! He's alive! He's alive! What He told us was every bit true! I saw Him. I heard His voice! I ate with Him! I touched His nail-scarred hands! My heart burned within me as He spoke to me! I saw the stone rolled away! I saw Him as bright as the noon-day sun! I walked along the road with Him! He opened my understanding! He upbraided me for my unbelief! I touched His hands and His feet in the flesh! I gave Him of my fish and He ate! He ate of my honeycomb! He's alive!
Jesus spent time with His followers before He ascended into heaven. Just as He said to them back then that He would suffer and die and rise again...... so will He return. Just as He ascended in the clouds, so shall He return in the clouds........God reveals the END from the BEGINNING!
Father God,
Thank You that You reveal Your plans for us. Thank You that we can know exactly what You expect from us because Jesus has shown us how to be saved. Thank You for the cross and the eternal cleansing blood of the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. Thank You for the Lamb that will return as the Lion of Judah. Thank You for Your written inspired Word. Thank You for the Holy Spirit that is our intercessor.
Thank You for the plan of salvation through Jesus, the Messiah, by faith and through Your mercy and grace alone!
In Christ Alone Our Hope Is Found!
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