Dandelion Mist

Dandelion Mist
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot, Missionary

Saturday, April 23, 2011

In The Tomb

The Saturday Morning before celebration of The Resurrection about five A.M.
You are The Mighty God, Counselor, King of Kings, The Prince of Peace, The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End, Lord of Lords, Eternal Father, Son of God, The Most High God, The One and Only God......and I will adore you!
Over two thousand years ago about this time, you were lying in a new tomb. You had been beaten beyond recognition. You had been mocked and spat upon. You had been accused unjustly. You had been crucified upon a cross between two guilty theives.
You were innocent. You lay down Your life for the guilty. You accepted the sin of every past, present, and future person to be laid upon Your shoulders. You suffered just as predicted.
The Word is mighty and powerful, yet we humans can never speak or write the words that could convey the pain, suffering, and humiliation You went through, willingly, in our place on that cross.
What great love! What mercy! What compassion! What a great Savior! Yesterday at our Good Friday service, at Mount Hope Church, Pastor Dave said, "it took eternal blood to give us eternal life...there was no other way!"
Now we have this treasure in earthen vessels, but through the shedding of blood......not just any blood, but the blood of The One and only Perfect sacrifice, once for all, Jesus the Christ, we have eternal blood flowing in our veins!
There could be no other way....."I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, but by ME!" It was planned from the foundation of the world.
God made flesh. The Word made flesh in the Person of Jesus Christ. Born of a virgin. Lived a sinless life. Perfect before God the Father. Mocked. Ridiculed. Accused. Crucified without a proper trial.
Every prophecy foretold about Him came true/ or will soon come true.
He is coming back for His church someday. If we follow Him and if we are one of His, we'll be part of that great wedding party.....the Bride of Christ.
Yes, it's been over two thousand years since His crucifixion and Resurrection, but God is not slack as some humans count slackness! He is not willing that ANY should perish in their sin. He is giving all a chance to believe and obey. How many times will He call you? How many times will you refuse to listen and obey His call? There comes a day for everyone who ignores Him......the call may come no more.
Listen! Seek Him while He can yet be found! He died for you. He suffered for you!
There is no other way to salvation and eternal life. It's so simple. It's simple for US but it wasn't simple for Him! It's free to us, but it cost Him so much!
He went to the cross for all who will only believe and make Him Lord of YOUR life!
It's more than believing....the devil believes! The demons believe. We have to give Him our heart, our life, our loyalty.....He will give us eternal life and He will walk with us through any storm in this life! He will send His Holy Spirit to live inside us: to teach us, comfort us, guide us into all truth!
Don't let His death on the cross not mean anything to you! Let it be your salvation from eternal damnation and separation.
Father God,
I come to you in Jesus' name. I pray for those who don't know about You and the cross. Lord, I pray that this 'blog' will somehow reach thousands who may not know You, and that they will have a desire to come to know Who You are and why You died for the sins of the world. Lord, the love that You have for Your creation is incomprehensible! Thank You for such great love, for such mercy and compassion! We are so unworthy! Yet even in our sin...You died for us and all that You ask is our faith and trust and a child-like heart, that we follow after You as You lead us by Your Holy Spirit.
Thank You. Those words are so inadequate, but Thank You!
In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen

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